Port Authority of NY & NJ Outreach VIRTUAL Events

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While we are practicing social distancing, we invite you to participate in our virtual events this month. Please see the attached flyers.

All events held by the outreach offices are free so to join the webinars all you need is access to the internet and a computer. Once you RSVP, additional dial-in information will be provided.

If you have any questions about the events, feel free to send an email to Sybil Bost at sbost@panynj.gov. Be well and safe!

Sybil B. Bost

Community Outreach Specialist – City of Newark & Essex County

Terminal One Redevelopment Program

Newark Liberty International Airport

NJ Government & Community Relations

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey

Office Location:

89 Market Street, 4th Floor

Newark, NJ 07102


Office Cell: (732) 258-1415